Quetta. Three police officials including a DSP martyred, 25 others injured in blast Hussain also identified one of the deceased as a DSP, adding that 24 people — including police officials — were injured.

Three police officials including a DSP martyred, 25 others injured in result of blast on Quetta’s Fatima Jinnah Road

QUETTA ( Web News )

Three police personnel, including a deputy superintendent of police (DSP), were martyred while 25 people were injured in a blast near a police van at Quetta’s Fatima Jinnah Road, officials said on Wednesday. Three police officials including DSP Crime Branch Ajmal were martyred; meanwhile 25 people including police personnel were injured. The condition of SIX injured persons is critical. The injured have been shifted to the hospital, where emergency has been declared.

Speaking to the media, DIG Operations Fida Hussain said that a police mobile from the City police station was in the area around 7:00 PM when a loud explosion took place.

He said that the nature of the incident was being ascertained, but added that 2-2.5 kilogrammes of explosive material was used.

Hussain also identified one of the deceased as a DSP, adding that 24 people — including police officials — were injured.

Quetta Civil Hospital Spokesperson Dr. Waseem Baig said that the injured were being transported to the hospital for medical treatment.

The blast took place near a police mobile and soon after the explosion, nearby shops caught fire.

The medical superintendent of the hospital said that the number of injured brought in for treatment was 25, adding that the condition of six individuals is critical.

According to the police, following the incident, Jinnah Road and its surrounding streets have been cordoned off and have been closed for traffic. Police and other law enforcement agencies have reached the spot and further investigation is underway. The officials are yet to determine the nature of the blast.

According to police, Fatima Jinnah Road and surrounding roads have been closed for traffic.
Balochistan Chief Minister Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo, in a statement, strongly condemned the incident. He also directed hospitals to impose an emergency and for all doctors and paramedical staff to ensure their presence.

“Cowardly terrorists targeted innocent citizens in a terrorist attack,” he said. “Efforts are being made to disrupt peace in Quetta and the province under a planned and well-thought-out conspiracy.”

The chief minister said terrorists and their sponsors were receiving “external support”, directing the IG to submit a detailed report of the incident.

“All resources should be utilised to bring those responsible for the incident to justice,” the chief minister said in his directives, also telling officials to make security arrangements in the city more effective.

The Balochistan CM said that terrorists and their abettors were getting external support. He directed the Balochistan IGP to submit a detailed report of the incident at the earliest.

Sindh Governor Imran Ismail also strongly condemned the Quetta blast and extended condolences to the families of those killed in the blast. He also prayed for the speedy recovery of the injured.

Likewise, Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Ahmed Khan Buzdar also condemned the incident and said that “a handful of terrorists cannot shake the resolve of the nation.”