CM Sindh Syed Murad Ali Shah meets Emir JI Karachi Hafiz Naeemur Rehman at Idara Noore Haq Ex-governor Sindh Dr. Ishratul Ibad Khan contacts Hafiz Naeemur Rehman over telephone

CM Sindh Syed Murad Ali Shah meets Emir JI Karachi Hafiz Naeemur Rehman at Idara Noore Haq

Ex-governor Sindh Dr. Ishratul Ibad Khan contacts Hafiz Naeemur Rehman over telephone

KARACHI ( Web News )

Chief Minister Sindh Syed Murad Ali Shah visited Idara Noore Haq and held meeting with Emir Jamaat-e-Islami Karachi Engineer Hafiz Naeemur Rehman. Provincial Ministers Syed Nasir Hussain Shah, Saeed Ghani, Imtiaz Ahmed Sheikh, Administrator Karachi Barrister Murtaza Wahab Siddiqui and Waqar Mehdi were also accompanying Syed Murad Ali Shah.

Syed Murad Ali Shah informed Hafiz Naeemur Rehman that the Sindh cabinet has approved amendments in the local government act in the light of the agreement reached with Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan.

Earlier on Wednesday, Sindh cabinet decided that the agreement reached with JI will be implemented 100 percent. Sindh cabinet meeting was chaired by Chief Minister Sindh Syed Murad Ali Shah. The Sindh cabinet has formed separate committee for the implementation of the agreement reached with JI and for holding talks with Pak Sarzameen Party. The committee comprises of Syed Nasir Hussain Shah, Jam Khan Shoro, Barrister Murtaza Wahab, Mukesh Kumar Chawla and Saeed Ghani. Murad Ali Shah said that the conversation of Nasir Hussain Shah held with the opposition will be implemented; adding that the points agreed with the opposition will be implemented 100 percent.

While talking to media persons after Sindh cabinet meeting, Saeed Ghani said that clauses of the Supreme Court of Pakistan verdict in local government law, which are clear, will be immediately implemented and which are not clear the clarification will be sought about them. He said that the amendments will be carried out in the laws in the light of the agreement struck with JI, adding that many things were agreed in the agreement with JI. He said that a committee has been established for brining change in the local government law, adding that till the new LG elections, the current district councils will continue work.

Meanwhile former governor Sindh Dr. Ishratul Ibad Khan on Wednesday held telephonic conversation with Emir Jamaat-e-Islami Karachi Engineer Hafiz Naeemur Rehman.

Spokesperson of Dr. Ishratul Ibad Khan said that Dr. Ishratul Ibad Khan congratulated Haifiz Naeemur Rehman on successful sit-in for the rights of the people of Karachi and Sindh province and successful negotiations.

According to the spokesperson both leaders welcomed the Supreme Court of Pakistan decision regarding the establishment of the local government. Both leaders advised all the parties to work jointly in the best interest of Karachi and province. Dr. Ishratul Ibad Khan said that Sindh government should initiate big steps and take big decisions in the public interest.