Democratic & military regimes equally failed to address challenges : Sirajul Haq Majority of the political parties were either one-man show or the properties of families

So-called democratic & military regimes equally failed to address challenges confronting nation: Sirajul Haq

Faisalabad/Multan ( Web News )

Jamaat-e-Islami Emir Sirajul Haq has said the so-called democratic and military regimes have equally failed to address the challenges confronting the nation for decades.

Majority of the political parties were either one-man show or the properties of families and they came to power by deceiving the general public with different slogans, he said while talking to journalists in Faisalabad on Wednesday.

After coming into power, he added, the ruling elite only served their self-interests without paying any heed to issues like hunger, illiteracy, lack of basic facilities, corruption and lawlessness which plagued the country for years.

The PTI, he said, made tall slogans during its election campaign but it could not deliver in three and half years.

“Have you seen any difference between the policies of the current government and the former ones,” he pointed out, maintaining the public seemed in a different mood now and was ready to reject the status quo parties in the coming election.

“We need to get rid of the feudal lords, imperialists and corrupt rulers through a peaceful democratic way if we want to transform Pakistan as per vision of Quaid-e-Azam.”

Sirajul Haq said the rulers virtually handed over the country to the IMF as the PTI seemed clueless that how to fix the economy and bring down inflation and unemployment rates even after spending more than three years in power.

The JI chief earlier addressed the religious scholars and highlighted the need of unity among the ranks of Ummah. He said ulema should lead the masses to bring a peaceful Islamic revolution in the country. He said the solution to the country’s problems lie in implementation the system of Quran and Sunnah.

Furthermore, Sirajul Haq presided over the meeting of the JI local leaders in Multan. The different organizational matters and local government election preparations came under discussion in the meeting.