INDIA another concocted story of arresting ‘Pakistani terrorist’

ISLAMABAD ( Web News )

In an unsuccessful attempt to counter Pakistan’s dossier with solid evidence of India’s involvement in terrorism, the ruling Bharatia Janta government has found an easiest way – To push fake narrative against Pakistan.

The newest of such claims is the “arrest of a Pakistani national with AK-47 in possession” made by the New Delhi’s Commissioner of Police on Monday.

Interestingly, the announcement by the senior official was made at a press conference “without any concrete proof”.

The security experts say that India is trying to build an environment for false flag operations to cover up the embarrassment it faced at international level after getting exposed by Pakistan’s dossier.

India claims that the arrested man Muhammad Ashraf has an original Indian passport, on which he travelled to Saudi Arabia and Thailand.

This is not the first time, the experts say, that India has used its own nationals with criminal background and portrayed them as Pakistanis.

They say that this is India’s attempt to create a false narrative to hide its own failures and divert attention from its oppression against Kashmiris and minorities.

After becoming irrelevant in Afghanistan, India is stirring up false narratives against Pakistan, especially in the context of upcoming UN Climate Change Conference and G20 Summit.

So far, India has not come up with any credible proofs to deny the charges of terrorism against it, but to create false stories with baseless narrative against Pakistan.